Total Users10.92812%more than previous week
Stock8.236-2%less than previous week
Revenue6.64218%more than previous week
Latest Transactions
Name | Status | Date | Amount |
Mudassir | Pending | 12.07.2023 | $3,200 |
John Doe | Done | 14.02.2024 | $5,400 |
Muzammil | Cancelled | 24.04.2023 | $6.270 |
Manas | Pending | 14.02.2023 | $3,900 |
Weekly Recap
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How to use the new version of the admin dashboard?
Takes 4 minutes to learnLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Reprehenderit eius libero perspiciatis recusandae possimus.
🚀 Coming Soon
New server actions are available, partial pre-rendering is coming up!
Boost your productivityLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Reprehenderit eius libero perspiciatis recusandae possimus.